
Work-Life Assistance and Work-Life Balance Programs

Are your employees having difficulty balancing work and life? Do your employees leave the office only to head home to become a caregiver? Studies show that over half of employed caregivers work full-time. Businesses that offer support for employee caregivers show that they care about their employees after they leave the office.

The Option Group provides support services to employee assistance programs, human resources specialists, and work-life balance programs. By providing caregiving benefits and helping caregivers return to work, your employees and business can thrive.


The Challenges Facing Family Caregivers

In the busy world we live in today, it is a struggle to balance the demands of work, family, and home. It is even more difficult when you add caregiving into the mix. While many businesses offer employee assistance programs (EAPs), one of the biggest challenges is that many family caregivers do not realize they are caregivers.

If your employees are providing care to another individual, they are considered caregivers.

If you are an employee caregiver looking for support from The Option Group, learn more about our Life Care management services for adults with disabilities, adults with chronic illness, or older adults. We look forward to helping you manage your responsibilities.

The Importance of Work-Life Balance

One survey of 2,000 American adults found that 60% struggled to maintain any separation between work and home. Additionally, 40% said that their work demands were incompatible with their attempts to balancing work and life. When workers are taxed and stressed, their productivity, quality, creativity, and engagement suffers.

Another study of Fortune 500 companies found that when employees felt control over their work-life balance, they were more focused and more productive at work. Free time isn’t just good for your employees, it is also good for your bottom line. Healthy, happy employees and caregivers make your business even better.

How Can The Option Group Help Employees Balance Work and Life?

Our employee assistance programs help working caregivers return to work and avoid extensive missed time due to their caregiving responsibilities. Between balancing appointments, prescription refills, and health insurance claims, caregivers struggle to find time for it all. Family members deserve care, and the caregivers deserve our support.

The Option Group will work confidentially with individual employees to assess their current needs. What struggles do they have balancing work and life? Where do they need help being a caregiver?

We will create a blueprint for each individual identifying methods to reduce their stress and strengthen their support networks. To help caregivers return to work, we ensure that their loved ones’ needs are met, providing the peace of mind they need. The tireless efforts of caregivers should be rewarded by allowing them to balance their life again. EAP services benefits include peace of mind to be productive at work, more time to spend with family, and time to focus on their own health.

Support networks allow caregivers to return some of their efforts to their own lives with a spring in their step while still knowing that their loved one is being taken care of.

What Topics Can Be Covered to Assist Employees?

Each family caregiver has a unique situation, so every plan will look different. Some of the topics that our EAP specialists can assist employees with include:

  • Researching in-home care, assisted living, rehab centers, or adult daycares
  • Finding a counseling service
  • Transportation
  • Grief support
  • Behavioral health counseling
  • Ongoing Monitoring and Reporting
  • Status Reassessment
  • Family Consultation and Mediation
  • Move Coordination
  • Individual and Family Assessments
  • Care Plan Development and Implementation
  • Resource Development
  • Coordinate Community Resources
  • Consumer Education
  • Dementia Engagement Activities Program
  • Cognitive Assessments
  • Community & Facility Placement
  • Home Safety Evaluations
  • Medical Appointment Coordination
Employee assistance programs bridge the gap between what a caregiver wants to have time for and what they do have time for. By offering one with the robust resources available through The Option Group, you can help alleviate the strain of long hours and stressful personal problems.

Beyond formal employee assistance programs, we can assist in implementing and designing work-life balance programs for your office. We can draw from a broad range of strategies to support your work-life balance efforts. From paid time off to more flexible work hours, a little compromise can lead to tremendous results. The small investment that your company makes in showing employees that you want them to lead balanced, healthy lives will pay off.

Our managed care services are performed by our compassionate and experienced team members. We invite you to get to know us. Watch our video bios or give us a call!

Meet Noel

Learn More About Our Employee Assistance Program Options

The Option Group is uniquely qualified to help caregivers struggling with balancing work and life. Support for employee caregivers is one of the ways that you can show you care about your employees as people, not just workers. Our employee assistance programs offer critical support for employee caregivers.

Contact The Option Group today to learn more about our employee assistance program support services by calling 1-410-667-0266 (Maryland), 1-717-287-9900 / 1-610-885-8899 / 215-896-6756 (Pennsylvania), or 1-302-858-6449 (Delaware).

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