
The Option Group Joins The Elville Webinar Series

In part one of the Elville Webinar Series’ new Wellness Series, guest presenters Ms. Ellen Platt and Dr. Michelle Fritsch will briefly summarize the last 18 months of the pandemic, discuss how it has impacted us, and how it may impact us going forward. They will also...

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What You Should Know Before a Health Crisis

Join The Option Group and fellow providers on Tuesday, June 15th at 3pm for an interactive opportunity to learn about healthcare services, and provider types to plan for a better health outcome in the event of a crisis. To register online click here or call Mark Asch...

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Medicare Virtual Fair June 23, 2021

The SHIP Technical Assistance Center is hosting a Welcome to Medicare Virtual Fair on June 23, 2021, for individuals all across the country turning 65, retiring, or joining Medicare because of a disability. Please help to share information on this event...

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