By Stacy Alcide, RN, Certified Aging Life Care Manager As our family members age, it is essential to prioritize their well-being, especially regarding their ability to drive safely. Difficult decisions such as taking away senior driver motor vehicle privileges are...
See How Exercise Can Improve Your Life Today!
By Faith Patterson, PT Certified Aging Life Care Manager We can all agree that staying active is good for you. The benefits to the mind, body, and spirit are numerous. Additionally, engaging in activities helps us stay sharp and make life interesting and engaging. Our...
The Six Hidden Costs of Caring for an Aging Parent
Being a family caregiver is hard work. It demands a lot of time, patience, and persistence. Those who start with realistic expectations reach out for help and plan ahead. They fare much better through the ups and downs than those who don’t. The hidden costs of caring...
Why Should You Use a Professional Care Manager for Your Loved One?
We all want to provide the best possible care for our loved ones. However, sometimes the maze of options is confusing and the difficulties seem overwhelming. Care managers help families sort through complex issues and find the best care solutions for their specific...
How To Age Safely at Home: What Steps Should Seniors Take?
By Jackie Tangires, LCSW-C, Certified Aging Life Care Manager Deciding to remain in your home as you age is no easy task and requires much thought, discussion with family, consideration, and soul searching. How do you decide what is best for you and your family?...
Tips to Know Now: Is Your Loved One a Safe Driver?
By Jackie Tangires, LCSW-C, Certified Aging Life Care Manager, The Option Group Do you remember the day you passed your driver’s certification test and received your official driver’s license? Oh, the joy! The sense of freedom that came with that small piece of paper....
Aging Life Care Association Resource Guides
As a member of the Aging Life Care Association (ALCA), The Option Group can make the following resources available to our visitors. To view or download, simply click on the linked titles below: Why Work with An Aging Life Care Professional During a Crisis Why Trust...
Do I Need an Aging LifeCare Expert?
By Taie Leverette and Noel White May is a special time of year, full of rebirth and growth. It's also when we celebrate National Aging Life Care Month! This is a great time to honor those educated and certified professionals that are the "boots on the ground" for...
February 2022 Newsletter
Many associate February with Valentine's Day. While it can be a romantic occasion for couples, it can also be a lonely time for our senior loved ones, especially widows. In this month's issue, we've provided some helpful tips for how to have fun with the senior in...