
February 2022 Newsletter

Many associate February with Valentine's Day. While it can be a romantic occasion for couples, it can also be a lonely time for our senior loved ones, especially widows. In this month's issue, we've provided some helpful tips for how to have fun with the senior in...

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S.A.D. now?

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is real and is more than just a case of the post-holiday or wintertime blues. In fact, SAD is a very common form of depression that affects more than 3 million people in the United States. Most people with this disorder experience the...

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Getting Through the Holidays With Dementia

Holidays can be stressful for everyone. The family dynamics, who is getting together with who, the financial stress of buying gifts, COVID, and the list goes on and on. If you add living with and/or providing care to someone with dementia, it can be extremely...

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